
Тысячи китайцев стали свидетелями приговора суда

Жалобы на серийных убийц полицейских характерны и для Китая.Выездной суд Хенжана провинции Шаанкси западного Китая приговорил к  смертной  казни серийного насильника и бывшего полицейского 30 — летнего Аи Кунга публично, на глазах тысяч граждан, собравшихся на площади. Выступление прокурора и ответы подсудимого транслировались по прямой связи в прямом эфире.


Thousands of onlookers turned up to watch the public trial of serial rapist Ai Kung in China's Shaanxi province

Open justice: These pictures show the thousands who gathered to see Ai Kung, 30, convicted

Pic shows: Police is carrying the serial rapist Ai Kung to the public trial\n\nChina is again holding mass public trials to show the Communist Party¿s determination to crack down on crime.\n\nThe latest case in Hengshan county in Western China¿s Shaanxi province a former police officer turned serial rapist was paraded before a crowd of several thousand onlookers while the court fitted with loudspeakers heard the evidence against him.\n\nThe case was a high profile on the region in which a series of rapes were carried out against young women by somebody who seemed to plan each attack professionally. Local media reported that police suspected it was a former soldier, but in the end DNA testing and images from CCTV cameras finally allowed police to identify Ai Kung, xx, is the man behind the attacks.\n\nA highly decorated former police officer only recently retired and taken up work as a security guard in a school his former colleagues who recognised at first refused to act saying that th

Pic shows: The crowd is watching the public trial\n\nChina is again holding mass public trials to show the Communist Party¿s determination to crack down on crime.\n\nThe latest case in Hengshan county in Western China¿s Shaanxi province a former police officer turned serial rapist was paraded before a crowd of several thousand onlookers while the court fitted with loudspeakers heard the evidence against him.\n\nThe case was a high profile on the region in which a series of rapes were carried out against young women by somebody who seemed to plan each attack professionally. Local media reported that police suspected it was a former soldier, but in the end DNA testing and images from CCTV cameras finally allowed police to identify Ai Kung, xx, is the man behind the attacks.\n\nA highly decorated former police officer only recently retired and taken up work as a security guard in a school his former colleagues who recognised at first refused to act saying that they couldn't believe he was

Показательный суд был не случайно устроен именно в этой провинции. За последнее время здесь  резко возросло число случаев изнасилования молодых женщин.

В отношении  Аи Кунга местные полицейские отмечали профессионализм преступника, который, расправившись с очередной жертвой, не оставлял никаких следов.

Была выдвинута версия, что действует кто — то из бывших военных. Однако в заключении, благодаря произведенным тестам на ДНК, а также показаниям камер видеонаблюдения,  удалось выйти на настоящего преступника.

Одна из жертв очно опознала насильника.

Сам бывший полицейский имел обширный выбор так как устроился работать охранником в школу.

Его жертвами оказались девять девушек в возрасте от 18 до 32 лет. Он хватал свои девушек, вывозил в пустынное место. В ночи насиловал и,  забрав  все ценные вещи, оставлял тела женщин лежать на улице.

Pic shows: The serial rapist Ai Kung was recorded by CCTV cameras\n\nChina is again holding mass public trials to show the Communist Party¿s determination to crack down on crime.\n\nThe latest case in Hengshan county in Western China¿s Shaanxi province a former police officer turned serial rapist was paraded before a crowd of several thousand onlookers while the court fitted with loudspeakers heard the evidence against him.\n\nThe case was a high profile on the region in which a series of rapes were carried out against young women by somebody who seemed to plan each attack professionally. Local media reported that police suspected it was a former soldier, but in the end DNA testing and images from CCTV cameras finally allowed police to identify Ai Kung, xx, is the man behind the attacks.\n\nA highly decorated former police officer only recently retired and taken up work as a security guard in a school his former colleagues who recognised at first refused to act saying that they couldn'

The moment serial rapist Ai Kung was arrested

Serial rapist Ai Kung in custody

Pic shows: The news press\n\nChina is again holding mass public trials to show the Communist Party¿s determination to crack down on crime.\n\nThe latest case in Hengshan county in Western China¿s Shaanxi province a former police officer turned serial rapist was paraded before a crowd of several thousand onlookers while the court fitted with loudspeakers heard the evidence against him.\n\nThe case was a high profile on the region in which a series of rapes were carried out against young women by somebody who seemed to plan each attack professionally. Local media reported that police suspected it was a former soldier, but in the end DNA testing and images from CCTV cameras finally allowed police to identify Ai Kung, xx, is the man behind the attacks.\n\nA highly decorated former police officer only recently retired and taken up work as a security guard in a school his former colleagues who recognised at first refused to act saying that they couldn't believe he was really to blame. But im

Заседание выездного суда является в Китае обычным делом. По мнению китайских вождей прилюдное обвинение помогает лучше справляться с преступностью.

Источник: Mail Online


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